Please, Please PLEASE I ask that you do not take my photographs without my permission. For this reason i have stamped my name on the bottom. I know, it is an easy thing to get rid of, but i am trusting people. If you want to use my photograph for some purpose, go right ahead. Just let me know via comment or email (egbkid at yahoo dot com) and i will send you a copy with out my name stamp. Please, no using my pictures for sinister purposes, be nice! :-) The copy i send you, you can use to your heart's content, i just want to know where my photos are going. If i am to be famous, i want to know about it! :-)
Saint John 1894, Lower West (then called Carleton) to the left, Uptown & South End to the right.
Saint John is the second largest city in the province of New Brunswick, and the oldest incorporated city in Canada. We are situated along the north shore of the Bay of Fundy at the mouth of the Saint John River. There are five main areas of the city, which include many smaller communities. They are as follows:
North End includes Millidgeville, Old North End, Tucker Park and the Rifle Range.
West Side includes Milford, Lower West, Lancaster and Long Reach.
South End is also called the South Central Peninsula.
East Side locally by older folks known as 'over town', or 'over east'. Includes Birdland, Ellerdale, Churchhill Heights and about 90% of the shopping in the city.
Uptown which is the downtown core of the city. Small shops, tourist traps, etc.
Uptown Saint John promotional poster
Link to Saint John, New Brunswick on Wikipedia